Language spoken in bulgaria

How many languages are spoken in Bulgaria?

Languages of Bulgaria
MinorityTurkish, Romani
ForeignRussian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian
SignedBulgarian Sign Language

What language is mainly spoken in Bulgaria?

Bulgarian BBC – Languages – Languages. 85% of the approximate 8.7m population of Bulgaria speak the official language, Bulgarian. 2.5% speak Macedonian, considered in Bulgaria as a dialect of Bulgarian and not as a separate language.

Is English widely spoken in Bulgaria?

A number of foreign languages are spoken in Bulgaria. Russian is the most commonly spoken foreign language in the country. 35% of the country's population claim to possess a workable knowledge of this language. English is the second most common foreign language in Bulgaria.

What language is Bulgarian similar to?

Bulgarian is most closely related to modern Slovenian, Sebo-Croatian, and Macedonian. It is also closely related to East Slavic languages like Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Russian, and to West Slavic languages like Sorbian, Polish, Slovak, and Czech.

Is Bulgaria poor?

The World Bank classifies Bulgaria as an upper-middle income nation. Its economy is powered by construction, mining, services – which include tourism – and agriculture sectors. … Bulgaria has a well-educated workforce, but it is considered the poorest nation in the European Union.

Is Bulgarian difficult to learn?

Keep in Mind that Bulgarian is one of the most difficult languages in the World. Of course, it depends of people, but keep in mind that it can take some years to be perfectly fluent in Bulgarian. … Learning Bulgarian is estimated to 44 weeks (1100 hours).

Is Bulgarian harder than Russian?

On one hand, Bulgarian is much more simple than Russian in terms of grammar and thus, easier to understand by the Russian people.

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