Vitamin c tablets to lighten hair

To lighten your hair with Vitamin C, start by putting white Vitamin C tablets in a plastic bag and crushing them into a powder with a rolling pin. Next, mix the powder with a dye-free clarifying shampoo to form a thick paste. Then, apply the mixture to your damp hair and massage it in from the roots to the tips.

Does vitamin C take out hair color?

Using crushed-up vitamin C tablets is a safe and effective way to remove hair color naturally. It works by breaking down the chemical bonds that hold dye to the hair and removing the color molecules.

Can vitamin C damage your hair?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that stops the oxidation reaction that causes fresh fruit and vegetables to turn brown. Vitamin C will also reduce an oxidized coating on the hair. This treatment is completely safe and will not damage the hair.

How do you lighten black hair with vitamin C?

Crush 5 to 10 vitamin C tablets into a fine powder. Add the crushed tablets to the shampoo, and mix them together into a paste. Apply this paste to your damp (not drenched) hair, making sure your locks are thoroughly coated. Leave the mixture in your hair for 30 to 60 minutes.

How can I naturally lighten my hair?

Natural bleaching agents like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, chamomile tea, or cinnamon and honey can lighten hair gently and naturally with minimal damage. Rinse your hair in a solution of warm water and one or more of these lightening agents, then sit in the sun to dry.

Can you leave vitamin C in hair overnight?

Although vitamin C works similarly to lemon juice, it can also remove mineral build up in your hair as an added bonus! Crush up a vitamin C tablet (or any pre-ground vitamin C powder), add to water, and spritz onto your hair. Place your hair in a shower cap and let the natural, overnight lightening take place.

How does vitamin C strip hair color?

  1. Step 1 – Crush Vitamin C Tablets into a Fine Powder. Yes, you read correctly. …
  2. Step 2 – Mix the Powder with Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. …
  3. Step 3 – Apply Paste to Hair. …
  4. Step 4 – Leave Paste on Hair. …
  5. Step 5 – Rinse Hair. …
  6. Step 6 – Repeat.


Does vitamin C turn your hair orange?

You stripped the color out.. and you used products that aren't good matches for your hair.. and the bleaching tendencies of Vit C (think lemon juice, orange juice) will take the hair to an orange level.

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